Jess Woodsford

Jess is a professional coach, trainer and facilitator, with a passion for equality and social justice. In her role as a coach, she enjoys working with leaders ranging from C-suit to aspiring leaders to develop their own sense of personal leadership, and create long-lasting change within their organisation.

She uses a combination of different approaches within her coaching including traditional coaching, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Transactional Analysis.

Jess is an experienced trainer and facilitator and delivers training on topics such as leadership development, coaching and mentoring in the workplace, conflict resolution, and wellbeing. She loves facilitating team away days and strategy days too. Jess previously worked as a senior leader in the public sector, focusing on equality of opportunity to higher education, and is also the Co-Founder / Co-Director of Inclusive Futures CIC, a not-for-profit community interest company, which provides coaching programmes to support underrepresented groups to access and succeed in higher education.